Strangers in the night...

Tired of the whole world just wanted to write about the loneliness, which is apparently killing him inside...
Ready at the desk couldn't write anything,
But there was a fading light at the bottom of his heart getting stronger and brighter,
A vanished Memory,
Walking in the rain while there was no one else but them,
Joy, laughter,...
A tiny remnant of the pain as a cold tear fell down from his eye,
It was just like nothing was moving at that moment they were crying out that song so loudly that the Dead God could hear it...

"Strangers in the night exchanging glances
wondering in the night
What were the chances wed be sharing love
Before the night was through.

Something in your eyes was so inviting,
Something in you smile was so exciting,
Something in my heart,
Told me I must have you.

Strangers in the night, two lonely people
We were strangers in the night
Up to the moment
When we said our first hello.
Little did we know
Love was just a glance away,
A warm embracing dance away and -

Ever since that night we've been together.
Lovers at first sight, in love forever.
It turned out so right,
For strangers in the night.

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