
It was all he had, the only friend of his,
Addicted to silence, injecting it in his wains and sniffing it to his lungs was the only way for making the days of misery pass away,
Miserable,cold days came and went away, the corroding condition made him slow and flexible,
But after non-stopping,blade-shaped minutes,there came that warm ,vital music of life,
Sweetness filled his hours, minutes and seconds,
Now everything had a meaning, a meaning that was brought by the warmth of the music,
He thought by himself
“This…is the true meaning of life”
But there was a mistake …
The Art faded away so quickly az it was created,
And so…there was again the eternaly loyal friend of him…silence
He thought by himself :“This…was the true meaning of life”
Days came and went away...
Silence took him over again,
And he never felt the music ever,
He didn’t know,
He couldn’t understand,
’cause he had nobody to tell him, He could be a growing symphony...
(Article by :Mehdi_Naghdi)
(Picture by: Andy Clancy )

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